
瑟南古的东方视野——《中国历史概述》中的华夏文明镜像 被引量:1

Etienne Pivert de Sénancour's Oriental Vision:A Mirror Image of Chinese Civilization in Résumé de l'histoire de la Chine(An Outline of Chinese History)
摘要 《中国历史概述》是法国浪漫主义运动先驱瑟南古的重要作品。成书于欧洲汉学盛世尾声的过渡时期,这部中国历史著作上承中法关系盛世,下接近代历史战争年代,对欧洲汉学研究具有不可替代的文献价值与历史影响力。本文以《中国历史概述》为考察对象,结合译文与相关史料,就作者的书写内容与意图、成书宗旨与论证方式、对中欧文化差异的关键词解读与西学东渐的传教策略做一探讨,力图解读中国形象"乌托邦化"与"去乌托邦化"历史博弈的语境下所呈现的"文化他者"形象。 Resume de l'histoire de la Chine(An Outline of Chinese History), completed in the transitional period in the wake of flourishing sinology in Europe, is an important work by Etienne Pivert de S6nancour, a pioneer of French romanticism. Linked to the flourishing period of Sino-French relationship and to the war years in modern history, this book of Chinese history is of unreplaeeahle literature value and historical impact to the sinological studies in Europe. Combining the 1 ranslated text with the relevant historical material, this article, based on R^surn~ de l' histoire de la Chine(An Outline of Chinese History)as a subject for study, explores the author's book contents and intentions, the principles for the writing of the book and means of demonstration, the reading into the keywords about the differences between China and Europe and the missionary strategies in bringing Western studies into China, trying to interpret the image of a' euhural Other' in the context of the historical wrangling over the utopianization and dystopianization of the Chinese images.
作者 陈沁 钱林森 Chen Qin Qian Linsen
出处 《华文文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期29-34,共6页 Literatures in Chinese
关键词 瑟南古 《中国历史概述》 东方视野 文化差异 传教策略 Etienne Pivert de Senancour, R(sume de l'histoire de la Chine(An Outline of Chinese History), Oriental vision, cultural differences, missionary strategies
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