

The New Education Mode for University Students' Entrepreneurship under New Situation
摘要 创业教育从1998年10月的联合国教科文组织大会上就被广泛认同并应用,在经济社会发展的今天,社会更需要高等学校对当代大学生的创业教育。创业教育在国内起步较晚,当借鉴诸如美国等国家践行的创业教育的同时,我国高校对创业教育也存在很多误解,在创业教育的实践中更是偏离人才培养的最初目标;如何纠正对创业教育的认识,如何在当代环境下重新认识并解读创业教育显得尤其重要。 Entrepreneurship education has been widely identified and applied at the UNESCO convention since October 1998. Nowadays,economic and social development calls for the implementation of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities. As it starts late in China,we have to learn from the United States and other countries with regard to the practice of entrepreneurship education. At the same time,there are also a lot of misunderstandings about it in colleges and universities. What's worse,the practice has deviated from the original goal of talent training. Under such situations,it is of vital importance to correct understanding about entrepreneurship education as well as to recognize and interpret it in the contemporary environment.
作者 仇存进 QIU Cun - jin(Sanjiang College, Nanjing Jiangsu 210012, China)
机构地区 三江学院
出处 《湖北函授大学学报》 2017年第14期9-11,共3页
基金 2015年江苏省高等教育教改研究立项课题"应用型本科院校大学生就业 创业教育模式创新研究与实践"(项目编号:2015JSJG574)
关键词 高校 创业教育 新范式 colleges and universities entrepreneurship education new mode
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