Objective To investigate the change of serum and uric acid of ty pe 2diabetic patient s concomitant with stroke.Methods We selected 202patien ts randomly,and divided them into 3groups:diabetic concomitant with stroke gr oup,simp le stroke and simple diabetes group.We tested serum uric acid(UA)an d serum fat of all patients and anal ysis its relationship with type 2dia betes and stroke.Results There was apparent difference in serum UA a nd HDL level be tween type 2diabetic with stroke group and simple diabetic group.Conclusion De crease of HDL is one important risk factor fo r type 2diabetic patients concomi ta nt with stroke,and hypercuricemia i s another important risk factor for male type 2diabetic patients concom itant with stroke.
Objective To investigate the change of serum and uric acid of ty pe 2diabetic patient s concomitant with stroke.Methods We selected 202patien ts randomly,and divided them into 3groups:diabetic concomitant with stroke gr oup,simp le stroke and simple diabetes group.We tested serum uric acid(UA)an d serum fat of all patients and anal ysis its relationship with type 2dia betes and stroke.Results There was apparent difference in serum UA a nd HDL level be tween type 2diabetic with stroke group and simple diabetic group.Conclusion De crease of HDL is one important risk factor fo r type 2diabetic patients concomi ta nt with stroke,and hypercuricemia i s another important risk factor for male type 2diabetic patients concom itant with stroke.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
type 2diabetes m ellitus
ur ic acid
high density lipoprotein ch olesterol