
最严格水资源管理制度的落实与《水法》的修订 被引量:8

The Enforcement of the Strictest Water Resources Management Regime and Revision of the Water Law
摘要 最严格水资源管理制度是中国确保水安全的基本制度,包括用水总量控制制度、用水效率控制制度和水功能区限制纳污制度。在依法治国和依法治水的背景下,《水法》作为落实最严格水资源管理制度的基本法律,需要根据落实这三项制度的要求对相关条款和制度进行修订和完善。其中,落实用水总量控制制度需要《水法》完善水量分配和使用制度;落实用水效率控制制度需要《水法》建立水权交易机制,改革水价制度,健全节水管理制度;落实水功能区限制纳污制度需要《水法》完善水资源和水域的保护制度。 The strictest water resources management is the fundamental policy as well as regime to guarantee China's water safety, which includes the three systems on water use quantity control, water efficiency control, and pollution accommodation control in water function areas. Under the background of "rule by law", the Water Law of the People's Republic of China is the basic one of enforcing the regime of the strictest water resources management. There is great necessity of revising the Water Law according to the regime of the strictest water resources management. The system on water quantity allocation and use in the Water Law shall be improved to enforce the system on water use quantity control. In order to enforce the system on water efficiency control, the Water Law shall establish and perfect the mechanisms on water right trading, water pricing and water saving. The system of protecting water resources and areas in the Water Law shall be strengthened to enforce the system on pollution accommodation control in water function areas.
作者 何艳梅
出处 《生态经济》 北大核心 2017年第9期180-183,236,共5页 Ecological Economy
基金 上海市高原学科建设项目"环境资源法"(H-08-16-004-16)
关键词 最严格的水资源管理 《水法》 用水总量 用水效率 水功能区 the strictest water resources management the Water Law total water use quantity water efficiency water function area
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