After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the political struggle between the political forces of the Southwest and Chiang Kai-shek was more and more complicated with the infiltration of the CPC and the CDL ( China Democratic League), and Chiang Kai-shek was difficult to achieve the unity within the party. In the face of the political pressure from the CPC, the Southwest forces, and the CDL, Chiang Kai-shek gradually became the lonely dancer on the stage of power competition. At that time, it was worth noting the attitude of the United States. Because of the rift of the relationship between the United States and Chiang, the United States not only didn' t help Chiang Kai-shek, but wanted to help the CPC and suppress Chiang. In fact, at the wartime, the Southwest forces' political confrontation with Chiang and the United States' attitude, not only highlights Chiang Kai-shek' s lacked popular support in the party, but also clearly shows a huge crisis exited in its external relations, which means that before the end of the war a clear anti-Chiang united front was quietly formed, which had an important influence on the post-war relations between the Kuomintang and the CPC and the domestic political situation, and foreshadowed the Southwest military uprising and the Democratic League chose the CPC.
CPC History Studies