目的 :统计正常成人前心膈角区肺内局灶性斑片状高密度影(Focal patchy clouding opacity in lung adjacent to the anterior cardiophrenic angle,FPCOLACA)的发生率,探讨其影响因素。方法 :回顾性分析2015年1月—2016年4月我院行胸部CT平扫的常规体检人员。所有人员均无咳嗽、咳痰等肺部相关症状;无肺部肿瘤、结核及大片渗出病灶等疾病;无心脏疾病;既往无肺部、心脏手术史;无心、肺、胸廓发育畸形。最后在符合标准的受检者中随机抽取500例作为研究对象,包括女269例,男231例,年龄(53.8±15.5)岁。统计FPCOLACA的发生率,利用Logic回归分析探讨其与心型、心胸比、性别、年龄、肥胖程度及局部胸膜增厚之间的关系,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果:500例受试者中右侧FPCOLACA为15.6%,左侧为19.6%。Logic回归分析显示FPCOLACA和年龄、心型有关(P<0.05),和性别、肥胖程度和局部胸膜增厚无关(P>0.05)。右侧FPCOLACA常见于≥55岁者,左侧常见于>56岁者。横位心更易出现FPCOLACA(P<0.05)。结论 :正常成人可以出现FPCOLACA,它是没有重要病理生理及临床意义的影像征象,其出现与年龄、心型有关。
Objective: To investigate the influence factors and incidence rate for the focal patchy clouding opacity in lung adjacent to the anterior cardiophrenic angle (FPCOLACA) in normal adults. Methods: Five hundred cases (269 female, 231 male; mean age (53.8±15.5) years old) without relevant symptoms, tumor and sugery (including cough and sputum production), were analyzed retrospectively by using health examination chest CT scan. The FPCOLACAs incidence and its relationship with mental type, cardiothoracic ration, sex, age, obesity and focal pleura thickening were studied statistically. Results: Of all pa-tients, there were 78 cases(15.6%) with the right FPCOLACA and 98 cases(19.6%) with the left FPCOLACA. Logic regression analysis showed that the FPCOLACA correlated significantly with the age and mental type(P〈0.05), and not with the sex, obe-sity and focal pleura thickening (P〉0.05). There were the higher incidence rates for the right FPCOLACA in the subjects with 55 years old or more and for the left FPCOLACA in the subjects with more 56 years old. There were the higher incidence rates for the FPCOLACA in the subjects with horizontal heart. Conclusion: The FPCOLACA displays in the healthy adults, and is not pathophysiology or clinical medicine significance, and it correlated with the age and mental type.
Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging