

Clustering rotation dispatching MAC protocol for underwater acoustic sensor network based on MACAW
摘要 针对当前水声传感器网络长时延和低信道利用率的特点,改进传统的水声通信网MAC协议MACAW协议,设计出一种新型的分簇轮转调度式MAC协议CRD-MACAW协议。该协议通过网络初始化和网络动态更新对部署在网络中的传感器节点按照一定机制进行分簇,网络中的数据传输则分为簇内传输和簇间传输。簇内传输采用分簇时网络管理节点所分配的轮转顺序进行,节点与节点之间无需发送RTS帧和CTS帧;簇间传输则是通过各个簇首节点之间采用MACAW协议来进行的,最终网络数据汇聚到网络管理节点供分析使用。仿真结果表明,该协议与传统的MACAW协议相比,在网络节点增多、节点整体分布较为分散时,能够有效降低传输时延,提高信道利用率。 Aiming at tlie long delay but low utilization rate of channels of tlie present undacoustic communication networls MAC protocol MACAW has been improved into a new cliastering rotCAW. This protocol rotates the sensor nodes in the network with ccrtain mechanism through the network initialization and network dynamic up-dating. And the data transmissions in the network are divided into transmissions in cluster and transmissions between clusters. Transmissions in cluster are done according to the rotating order matched by the managing node in network when clustering. RTS frame and CTS frame need not be sent between nodes, while transmissions between cliisters are done using the MACAW protocol between the first nodes of every cliister, andfinally the data in the network will be gathered at the managing node in network to be analyzed. The simulated result shows that this protocol can decrease the transmission delay effectively and improve the utilization rate of channels if nodes in the networls are increasing and the node distribution is deccntralized totally when comparing with the traditional MACAW protocol.
出处 《微型机与应用》 2017年第16期73-77,共5页 Microcomputer & Its Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(61202370) 上海市教委科研创新项目(12ZZ151)
关键词 水声传感网 MAC协议 分簇 轮转调度 CRD-MACAW协议 MACAW协议 underwater acoustic sensor network MACprotocol clustering rotation dispatching CRD-MACAW protocol MACAW protocol
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