
新型PEC柱——钢梁端板连接组合框架抗震机理数值模拟 被引量:1

Numerical simulation on seismic mechanism of innovative PEC column-steel beam composite frame with end plate-penetrating bolts connection
摘要 为了研究新型卷边PEC柱—钢梁组合框架的抗震机理,本文针对1榀两层单跨设置预拉对穿螺栓短端板连接新型卷边PEC-钢梁组合框架结构试验试件,采用商业有限元软件ABAQUS对其进行水平循环往复荷载下的抗震性能数值模拟。基于模拟结果,对试件结构滞回性能、水平抗侧刚度、耗能能力、节点连接力学性能、层间传力机理和破坏机构等方面抗震性能进行分析。研究表明:试件结构具有较高承载力和较大的抗侧刚度,且加载初期两层初始抗侧刚度差异明显,随着加载损伤进程的发展其差异不断减小;试件结构水平力作用引起的倾覆弯矩受压侧下层PEC柱承担层间水平总剪力58%,而上层PEC柱平均分担层间剪力,且试件层间侧移变形表现为剪切型变形模式;试件耗能能力由梁端端板附近截面屈服和PEC柱脚钢构架屈服与混凝土压溃提供,且上下层耗能分布基本均匀;PEC柱与钢梁端板预拉对穿螺栓连接具有较强的转动能力,且端板预拉对穿螺栓形成了节点区混凝土斜压带传力模式和提供了节点连接部分自复位功效;试件最终破坏模式为梁端附近截面充分屈服和PEC柱脚部位钢构架屈服与混凝土压溃形成塑性铰的塑性破坏机构,对上下层层间侧移和节点连接转角分别为0.051 rad、0.042 rad和0.045 5 rad,均超过大震对应层间侧移限值1/30的要求,即该试件结构具有良好的抗震延性。 To study the seismic mechanism of innovative PEC column—steel beam composite frame,a test specimen of one-bay two-story composite frame composed of innovative PEC column—steel beam with end-plate pre-tensioned penetrating bolts connection was studied, and the software ABAQUS was adopted to simulate its seismic performance under lateral cyclic loading. Based on the simulation data, the seismic performance such as hysteretic characteristics, lateral stiffness,connection behavior,energy dissipation,ductility,force transfer mechanism between stories and failure mode was analyzed. The results show that the specimen has high load-carrying capacity and large initial lateral stiffness,and the difference between the initial lateral stiffness of stories is obvious,which decreases with the damage process due to loading; that 58% of lateral shear of the first story is sustained by the PEC column at the compression side with overturning moment,while lateral shear of the second story was sustained by PEC columns evenly, and the inter-story deformation is induced by shearing; that the energy dissipation is mainly due to the steel yielding and concrete crushing at the bottom of PEC columns and the yielding of steel beam adjacent to endplate,and it is evenly distributed along the height of the specimen; that the connection has good rotation capacity,and the pre-tensioned penetrating bolts lead to equivalent concrete strut in panel zone and self-centering ability of the connection; the specimen failure is induced by the formation of plastic hinges at the end of steel beam and the root of PEC column; that the corresponding interstory drift and connection rotation angles are 0. 051 rad,0. 042 rad and 0. 045 5 rad,respectively,which all surpassed the inter-story drift limit( 1/30) under the maximum earthquake in consideration,and therefore the specimen has superior seismic ductility.
出处 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第4期1317-1328,共12页 Journal of Guangxi University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51478286 51078247) 江苏省"青蓝工程"中青年学术带头人(2014) 江苏省"六大人才高峰"(2016)资助项目
关键词 PEC柱组合框架 端板预拉对穿螺栓连接 抗震机理 水平低周循环荷载 数值模拟 Composite frame composed of innovative crimping PEC column end plate-pre-tensioned penetrating bolts connection seismic mechanism lateral cyclic loading numerical simulation
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