
“逆全球化”态势下中国引领全球气候治理的作用分析——基于演化经济学的视角 被引量:4

An Analysis of China's Leadership in Climate Governance in Context of De-globalization:From an Evolutionary Economics Perspective
摘要 《巴黎协定》为全球气候治理开创了以"自愿贡献"为特征的全新治理模式,标志着气候治理进入了新的阶段。但是,当今世界"逆全球化"的态势却为全球气候治理的未来蒙上阴影,带来新的不确定性。从演化经济学和不完全合同理论的视角看,全球气候治理体系是国家在"有限认知"下所形成的不完全合同,而"逆全球化"的态势则冲击了原有的认知均衡,从而导致原有全球气候治理体系的失衡。"逆全球化"态势反映了参与者对全球治理体系的不满,暴露出原有治理模式的缺陷。在此情况下,各国需要对原有治理模式进行改革,调整原先的不完全合同,推动全球气候治理模式的转型,在新共同知识的基础上形成新的气候治理体系。在这一过程中,中国需要积极参与全球气候治理,通过传播自身的经验和新的观念,扮演"知识型权威"的角色,在全球气候治理中发挥引领作用,促进全球气候治理体系向更为平衡的方向演化。在巴黎气候大会上,中国提出"各尽所能、合作共赢""奉行法制、公平正义""包容互鉴、共同发展"的治理理念,有力推动了气候治理模式的转型;而在其他领域,中国同样要发挥引领性作用,为全球治理贡献"中国智慧"。 The Paris Agreement has created a new governance model for global climate governance, which is characterized by INDC and marks a new stage in fighting against the climate change. But the worldwide de- glo-balization has cast a shadow over the future of global climate governance, bringing out new uncertainties. Based upon the Evolutionary Economics and Incomplete Contract Theory, the current global climate governance system could be seen as incomplete contracts formed by all the countries with limited cognitive rationality. De- globaliza-tion trend reflects the participantsr dissatisfaction with the global governance system and exposes the shortcomings of the original model, which finally undermines the original cognitive balance in the global climate governance. Under such circumstances, a different climate governance system on the basis of new common knowledge should- be established, which requires all the countries to reform their original models, to adjust the incomplete con-tracts ,and to promote the transformation of global climate governance. In this process, China needs to take an active roles the knowledge authority by disseminating its own experiences and creative ideas, leading the global climate governance system towards a right direction: justice and balance. China has proposed the ideas such as win-win cooperation, rule of law and fairness, inclusiveness, mutual learning and common development duringthe Paris Conference. In that sense, China has actually contributed "Chinese wisdom" in the transformation of global governance in climate issue and other areas as well.
出处 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第3期14-21,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Tech University:Social Science Edition
关键词 演化经济学 全球气候治理 逆全球化 中国引领 evolutionary eeconomics climate governance de- globalization China leadership
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