
近距平行跑道配对进近纵向碰撞风险安全评估 被引量:5

Longitudinal Collision Risk Safety Assessment of Paired Approach to Closed Spaced Parallel Runways
摘要 针对繁忙机场的容量饱和现象,近距平行跑道实施配对进近可有效提高机场容量、缓解跑道拥挤和航班延误等现象。为了保证配对进近的安全运行,根据近距平行跑道配对进近的实际运动过程,考虑两架飞机在配对进近过程中的导航误差和时间等因素,建立两架飞机的运动方程和纵向碰撞风险评估模型;并通过MATLAB软件对模型进行计算,得到随相关参数变化的纵向碰撞风险变化曲线。结果表明:配对进近的碰撞风险随着前后两机起始间隔的增大而减小,随着飞机纵向定位误差的均方差的增大而增大,证明了模型的正确性和合理性。 In the busy airport capacity saturation phenomenon, closely spaced parallel runways implementing paired approach can effectively improve airport capacity, ease the airport runway congestion and flight delays and so on. For ensuring safety operation of paired approach, the safety distance calculation model of paired approachf based on the actual movement of paired approach on closely spaced parallel runways and the influence of navigation error and time of the two aircraft in the process of paired approach, is established. And the model is calculated by MATLAB software? and the risk variation curve of longitudinal collision with the relevant parame-ters is obtained. The results show that the collision risk of the pairing approach decreases with the increase of the starting distance of the two aircraft, and increases with the increase of the mean square error of the longitu-dinal positioning error of the aircraft, which verifies the correctness and rationality of the model.
出处 《航空工程进展》 CSCD 2017年第3期286-292,共7页 Advances in Aeronautical Science and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(71701202) 中央高校基本科研业务费(3122014D041)
关键词 配对进近 碰撞风险模型 近距平行跑道 导航误差 paired approach collision risk model closed spaced parallel runways navigation error
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