
稀见史料与王安石后裔考——兼辨宋代笔记中相关记载之讹 被引量:2

The Descendants of Wang Anshih as Recorded in Rare Historical Materials:A Textual Analysis of Errors in the Notes of Song Dynasty
摘要 王安石有二子二女。长子王雱,字元泽,进士及第,才华横溢,曾参与熙宁变法。王雱娶妻萧氏,有一女,嫁吕安中;无子,族子王棣过继。次子王旁,有心疾,娶妻庞氏,后出妻。旁有一女一子,女嫁郑居中;子王桐,有二子王瓙、王珏。由于雱、旁字形、字音相近,王安石二子的事迹经常被混而为一。同时,由于对熙宁变法持反对、批评的立场,许多笔记小说也蓄意将王雱、王旁事迹相混,并对王雱多有诬蔑。这些笔记中的不实记载有些被《续资治通鉴长编》《宋史》等采纳,南宋以后以"信史"的面目出现,或者演绎成更为通俗的话本、小说素材,构成了南宋以后否定、丑化王安石及熙宁变法这一历史进程中的重要一环。 Wang Anshih was a famous statesman, writer and scholar of Northern Song Dynasty. He had two sons and two daughters. His first son Wang Pang (雾), courtesy name Yuanze, was a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations (Jinshi Jidi), a brilliant author of many books and a participant in the Xining Political Reform led by Wang Anshi. Wang Pang (雾) married a woman from the Xiao Family and had a daughter who was married to Lü Anzhong. The couple had no son, so they adopted a boy named Wang Di (棣) from the same clan. Wang Di had a son Wang Bi (珌) whose son was Wang Yanzhi (衍之). Wang Pang (旁), Wang Anshih's second son, had mental disease and married a woman from the Pang (庞) Family, hut the marriage ended in divorce. Wang Pang (旁) had a daughter, who was married to Zheng Juzhong and a son Wang Tong (桐), who secured an official position. Wang Tong had two sons, Wang Dao (瓙) and Wang Jue (珏). Wang Dao's son was Wang Shengzhi, and Wang Jue's son was Wang Yizhi. Wang Jue compiled and published the collected works of Wang Anshih -- Linchuan's Literary Collection. Many anecdotes about the descendants of Wang Anshih as recorded in the literati's notes of Song dynasty were obscure and confusing. The life stories of his two sons were often confused with each other because the two names, Pang (雱) and Pang (旁), were very similar in their Chinese spelling and pronunciation. For example, Wang Pang (旁), Wang Anshih's second son who had mental disease and was divorced, was often mistaken for his brother in some literati's records. What is more, opponents and critics of Xining Political Reform deliberately mixed up the life stories of the two brothers. Some of them slandered Wang Pang (雱), accusing him of arrogant pride and immoral conduct, and cursing him with retribution in hell after death because of his involvement in Xining Political Reform. Many of these malevolent records were adopted by such historical documents as A Continuation of Zizhi Tongjian and History of Song Dynasty,which later were considered "faithful history. " In Yuan and Ming Dynasties, they even figured m story-tellers' scripts and popular fictions and played a significant part in negating and defaming Wang Anshih and his reform. This paper attempts to correct the mistakes in the above records by a textual analysis of the historical materials in Wang Shaoqing (Wang Jue) Epitaph written by Chao Gongsu of Southern Song Dynasty and Song Huiyao Jigao by Xu Song. This will bring us a complete genealogy of Wang Anshih's second son and clearly separate' the life stories of Wang Pang (雱) and Wang Pang (旁). In addition, there were other writers who shared a close relationship with Wang Anshih and his sons, or had close contact with Wang's progenies. They expressed their sympathy for the political reform in their literary notes. These valuable notes confirm and complement the records in Wang's anthology and in Song Huiyao Jigao. Some of the notes include the lost works of Wang Pang (雱), such as his own epitaph, some portrayed him vividly, some supplemented the historical biography and described Wang Pang (雱) from a different perspective and enriched the historical scenes, and others kept a record of the anecdotes of Wang Anshih's descendants.These notes are all invaluable for historical research.
作者 刘成国
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期78-88,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(12CZW057)
关键词 王安石 后裔 《王少卿墓志铭》 《宋会要辑稿》 笔记小说 熙宁变法 Wang Anshih descendants Wang Shaoqing Epitaph Song Huiyao Jigao notes Xining Political Reform
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