国产开发的1,4-丁炔二醇合成催化剂,经过10 g催化剂小试评价和2 000 kg放大评价均达到了工业应用的需要,催化剂的活性、选择性和稳定性均能够满足工业应用的需要,该催化剂在中国石化长城能源(宁夏)化工有限公司的10万t 1,4-丁炔二醇催化剂BDO工业装置上进行了工业应用,结果表明国产合成1,4-丁炔二醇催化剂的性能与进口催化剂基本一致,国产催化剂的过滤性能要优于进口催化剂的过滤性能。催化剂寿命较进口催化剂长17.5%,每批次20 t催化剂BDO产量达到了2.4万吨,国产催化剂的性能完全能够满足工业装置的需要。
10 g Test evaluation and 2000 kg pilot evaluation of domestic malachite catalyst for synthesis of 1,4-butynediol showed that the catalyst can meet the demands of the industrial application in the aspects of activity, selectivity and stability, the catalyst was applied in kt/a 1,4-butynediol unit of Sinopec Great Wall energy chemical Co., Ltd.The results show that the performance of the domestic catalyst is basically consistent with that of imported catalysts, filtering performance of domestic catalyst is superior to the import catalyst; service life of domestic catalyst is longer.BDO output can reach to 24 kt per bath 20 t catalyst. The domestic catalyst can completely meet the needs of the industrial plant.
Liaoning Chemical Industry