

Space Science Satellites as Key National Programs for Sustainable Development
摘要 很长一段时期以来,我国科技界反复讨论的一个问题就是如何提出像20世纪60年代"两弹一星"任务一样的重大科技项目,并希望借此再次推动国家科技的快速发展。然而,尽管这十余年来提出了很多重大科技任务,但总觉得无法与当时改变了中国政治、国防和科技地位的"两弹一星"任务相比。"两弹一星"任务创造的辉煌仍然闪耀在我们心中,任何形式的重大项目都无法替代其光芒。文章从国家重大需求在20世纪60年代和在新时期的变化为切入点,分析在建设世界科技强国的征程中,我们国家最迫切的科技需求是什么,进而指出发展空间科学卫星系列能够在其中起到的不可替代的作用,从而得出发展空间科学卫星系列就是新时期的"两弹一星"任务的结论。 The well-known Chinese national programs in the 1960's are the nuclear boom, guided missile and artificial satellite. They have laid down a foundation for China as a political world power since then. In recent years, discussions have been conducted among the scientists and engineers. Can we propose a bench of new science programs that could have the same impact as the three key programs mentioned above? This paper starts from an analysis of the national demands in the 1950's and 1960's, and compare it with the current national demands of China. The differences are clearly identified. In the new era, to ensure sustainable developments with innovation and reform becomes the most critical task for China. In the area of science and technology, the most important national demand is then to significant increase the important breakthroughs in fundamental science made by Chinese from China. In meeting this demand, to implement a series of space science satellite focusing on the frontiers of fundamental science could be the new key national program with impact as important as the three programs mentioned above in the 1960's. This paper then discusses the main characteristics for implementing the space science satellite program. Suggestions and proposals for government authorities are also given at the end of the paper.
作者 吴季
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2017年第8期873-878,共6页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 空间科学 空间科学卫星系列 国家重大科技专项 可持续发展 重大科学突破 space science space science satellites key national program sustainable development breakthroughs in fundamental sciences
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