
精神健康和智力残疾:公共精神健康的需要 被引量:7

Mental Health and Intellectual Disability: The Need for a Public Mental Health Approach
摘要 文章主要介绍了澳大利亚关于智力残疾人的两项具有代表性的精神健康研究。第一项研究是从儿童到成人的纵向研究,历时20年,追踪了智力残疾儿童和青少年从童年到成年的精神健康状况。第二项研究是生命周期项目研究,主要研究了南澳大利亚州成人的精神健康问题,包括老年智力残疾人、智力残疾的原住民和托雷斯海峡群岛的成年智力残疾人。两项研究结果表明,严重的精神健康问题对于30%至40%的智力残疾人、家属及护理人员均有不利影响,这些严重的情绪和行为问题最早在童年期就开始出现并持续存在,是一般社区居民的2至3倍,但仅有约10%得到特定的心理健康服务。在智力残疾人中,普遍存在严重的情绪和行为问题,比生活在普通社区的精神分裂症患者更普遍。这些情绪和行为问题给家庭和照料者带来了极大负担,也提高了社区成本。精神健康问题导致的痛苦和紊乱行为,通常被简单地视为只是由智力残疾所导致的,因此往往错失了有效处理和提高患者及其家庭生活质量的时机。全面的公共社区精神卫生服务,应包括预防、早期干预、全员培训、健康和残疾服务整合的精神卫生服务,必须减少患者及其家庭和社区的持续负担。 This paper describes the findings regarding the mental health of two representative populations in Australia. The Australian Child to Adult longitudinal study has tracked the mental health of o representative sample of children and adolescents with Intelieclual Disability as they move from childhood into young adult life, across the 20 year period. The Life Span project studied the mental health of a representative sample of adults in the state of South Australia, including a sample of eidedy individuals with ID and a sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults with ID, These two studies have demonstrated that serious mental health problems adversely affect the lives of 30%-40% of people with intellectual disabilify of all ages and their families and carets. These serious emotional and behavioural problems are first evident in childhood and often persist. These problems are 2-3 times more common than for the general community, but for the young people only around 10% of those affected receive any specific mental health service. Serious emotional and behavioural difficulties in those with ID is more prevalent lhan schizophrenia in the general community. These emotional and behavioural difficulties place a high bu^rden on families and carets and high cost on the community. Often the distress and disturbed behaviour due to mental health problems is seen as simply due to the intelleclual disability thus missing an opporJuniJy for effective management and an improved quality of life for the individual and their family. Public wide community mental health approaches including prevention, early intervention, workforce training and integration of mental health services with health and disability services is necessary to reduce this ongoing burden on the individual, their families and the community.
出处 《残疾人研究》 CSSCI 2017年第2期33-38,共6页 Disability Research
关键词 精神健康 智力残疾 公共精神健康 Mental health Intellectual disability Public mental health
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