
手术先行治疗牙颌面畸形的研究进展 被引量:1

Surgery-first approach in orthgnathic surgery and postoperative accelerated tooth movement phenomenon:A systematic review
摘要 近年来,治疗牙颌面畸形不再局限于传统正畸先行方案。另一种替代方案"手术先行"因具有缩短疗程、患者满意度高、术后立即改善面部外观等优点,逐渐广泛应用于临床。其中,疗程的缩短为正颌正畸领域关注热点。鉴于此,本文旨在将近年来国内外关于手术先行治疗牙颌面畸形的临床研究及正颌术后加速正畸牙移动现象作一综述。 As a new treatment paradigm for the correction of dentomaxillofacial deformities, the surgery-first approach has been pro- posed as an effective method to shorten treatment duration, improve the facial profile after surgery immediately and reduce the difficul- ties associated with the postoperative orthodontic treatment. Among the benefits of the application of a surgery-first approach, the de- crease in total treatment duration has been emphasized over and over again. It has created a broader interest in both surgical and ortho- dontic fields. The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge on the clinical protocol and the underlying mechanism of postop- erative rapid orthodontic tooth movement.
作者 纪映辰 康非吾 Jl Yingchen KANG Feiwu(Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School & Hospital of Stomatology, Tong~i University, Shang- hai 200072, Chin)
出处 《口腔医学》 CAS 2017年第8期739-742,768,共5页 Stomatology
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81670961) 上海市科委西医引导类项目(16411961100)
关键词 手术先行 牙颌面畸形 正畸牙移动加速 骨改建 surgery-first approach dentomaxillofacial deformity accelerated orthodontic tooth movement bone remodeling
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