
珠海市斗门区2012—2015年医院门急诊产品伤害监测结果分析 被引量:6

Product-related injury surveillance in sentinel hospital in Doumen District,Zhuhai,2012-2015
摘要 目的了解珠海市斗门区产品伤害流行特征,为制定产品伤害干预措施提供依据。方法以珠海市斗门区遵义医学院第五附属(珠海)医院作为哨点监测医院,收集2012―2015年在医院就诊、被诊断为产品伤害的首诊病例信息,监测内容包括伤害患者一般信息(姓名、性别、年龄、户籍、文化程度、职业等)、伤害事件基本情况(伤害发生的时间、地点、原因、发生时活动等)、伤害涉及产品信息等。结果 2012―2015年哨点医院共报告伤害病例48 003例,其中与产品相关的伤害病例19 342例,占伤害病例总数的40.3%。男性13 743例,女性5 599例,男女性别比为2.45∶1;产品伤害病例年龄以15~44岁青壮年组占比例最高(占71.2%),文化程度以初中文化程度者占比例最高(占45.9%),职业以商业服务(占21.9%)和生产运输人员(占19.0%)占比例最高,户籍以本市(县)户籍占比例最高(占49.3%),差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。发生伤害例数居前3位的产品依次为交通运输工具(占66.0%)、家庭用品(占12.8%)、食品药品及其相关产品(占7.0%)。伤害发生原因居前3位的依次为道路交通伤害、刀/锐器伤、中毒,分别占64.6%、14.7%、8.8%。伤害发生地点主要集中在公路/街道、家中、公共居住场所,分别占66.3%、9.8%、8.4%。伤害发生时的活动主要为驾乘交通工具(占54.5%)、休闲活动(占31.9%)。结论珠海市斗门区产品伤害特征主要表现为发生在公路/街道上、以驾乘交通工具为主的交通伤害,本地户籍、男性、15~44岁青壮年、初中文化程度、商业服务和生产运输人员是产品伤害的主要受影响人群,应针对上述特征加强以交通工具为主的产品伤害预防控制。 Objective To explore epidemiological characteristics of product-related injury and to provide the basis for making product injury interventions. Methods The Fifth Affiliated (Zhuhai) Hospital of Zunyi Medical College in Doumen District, Zhuhai City was taken as a sentinel surveillance hospital and information about the first confirmed cases diagnosed as the injury caused by products was collected from 2012 to 2015. Surveillance contents included general information (name, gender, age, household registration, educational level, occupation), basic situation of the injury (injury time, place, cause, activity when the injury occurred) , and the product-related information of injury. Results A total of 19 342 cases of injmy associated with products were found among 48 003 injury cases reported by the hospital from 2012 to 2015, accounting for 40.3% of the total injuries. Of all the cases of product-related injury, 13 743 were males and 5 599 females, with a male to female ratio of 2.45:1 ; the highest proportion of product-related injury was in group aged 15 - 44 years ( 71.2% ), 45.9% had educational level of junior high school, 21.9% engaged in business services and 19.0% in production of transport, and 49.3% had household registration of the city (county) ( all P 〈 0.01 ). The top three products involved with injury were transportation tools (66.0%), household wares ( 12.8% ), and food/drink/drugs and related products (7.0%). The top three leading causes were road traffic injuries (64.6%) , knife/sharp instrument injury ( 14.7% ) , and poisoning (8.8%). Injury locations mainly focused on the road/street (66. 3% ) , at homes (9.8%), and public residences (8.4%). and riding vehicles (54.5%) and leisure (31.9%) Main activities when the injury occurred were driving Conclusion The product-related injury was mainly the road traffic injury by means of transportation in Doumen District, Zhuhai. The group with local house- hold registration, male, aged 15 -44 years, educational level of junior high school, engaged in business services and production transportation were the main victims of the product-related injury. The prevention and control of product-related injury should be focused on the transportation.
出处 《华南预防医学》 2017年第4期306-310,共5页 South China Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 珠海市医疗卫生科技计划项目(20161027E030008)
关键词 伤害 流行病学 Injury Epidemiology
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