
《支气管热成形术手术操作及围手术期管理规范》解读 被引量:2

Interpretation of specification for operation and perioperative management of bronchial thermal valvuloplasty
摘要 文章从《支气管热成形术手术操作及围手术期管理规范》编写的背景、编写人员、支气管热成形术的适应证、术前用药、麻醉、获益与风险以及该规范不足之处等方面进行详细解析、评述,为全面、深入理解和掌握该规范提供进一步的资讯。 Based on the background, authors, indications of the bronchial thermoplasty, medication of the perioperation, anesthetization, benefits and risks of the procedure and the shortage of The Specification, this article provided the comprehensive information and comments for better understand the bronchial thermoplaty for asthma..
作者 李时悦
出处 《中国实用内科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期716-717,共2页 Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine
关键词 支气管热成形术 指南解读 bronchial thermoplasty guideline interpretation
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