In order to resolve noise and vibration problems generated by vehicle engine, a new mixed mode MR mount is proposed and an analytical model is established and is used to predict the performance of MR mount. The magnetic field distribution and relationship between input current and output force are got by using Ansys in different currents. Meantime, a six degrees of freedom dynamic model of an in-line four-cylinder engine which has three points mounting system is derived by considering the dynamic behaviors of MR mount and its state space form is established. LQR and fuzzy- logic controllers are designed and synthesized to actively control the imposed vibration. The simulation results show that the proposed LQR or fuzzy-logic controllers can isolate the vibration of vehicle engine in a wide frequency range. The amplitudes can be suppressed well by employing this mount system. Its effectiveness is verified via experiment in the second part of this work.
Techniques of Automation and Applications