目的了解青海省果洛藏族自治州(简称果洛州)人与动物棘球蚴病的流行情况。方法 2012年6-8月,在果洛州班玛、达日、甘德、久治、玛多、玛沁等6个县各抽取2~3个乡(镇),对1岁以上常住居民进行B超检查,计算人群棘球蚴病检出率;使用Ig G抗体检测试剂盒ELISA检测血清抗棘球蚴抗体,计算人群血清抗体阳性率。采用内脏剖检法调查啮齿动物鼠类及牲畜棘球蚴感染情况,现场随机采集家犬粪,ELISA检测粪抗原阳性情况。结果 B超检查共15 890人,查出患病者826例,检出率为5.20%(826/15 890)。ELISA检测共1 200人,血清抗体阳性率为16.75%(201/1 200)。达日县人群棘球蚴病检出率最高,为11.93%(430/3 605);甘德县血清抗体阳性率最高,为48.15%(65/135),其次为班玛县(12.77%,136/1 065)。女性棘球蚴病检出率和血清抗体阳性率分别为6.37%(499/7 839)和26.01%(142/546),均高于男性的4.06%(327/8 051)和9.02%(59/654)(P<0.01)。牧民、宗教人士、学生和家务人员的棘球蚴病检出率均较高,分别为5.24%(700/13 370)、6.46%(41/635)、8.39%(25/298)和5.68%(18/317)。60~、30~和≥70年龄组棘球蚴病检出率均较高,分别为6.91%(76/1 100)、6.25%(255/4 078)和8.08%(37/458);≥70、60~、40~年龄组血清抗体阳性率均较高,分别为48.28%(14/29)、28.57%(20/70)、23.12%(40/173)。文盲人群的棘球蚴病检出率和血清抗体阳性率均最高,为5.85%(431/7 365)和62.61%(72/115)。冬季定居夏季游牧人群的棘球蚴病检出率和血清抗体阳性率最高,为6.36%(642/10 087)和60.49%(147/243)。不同地区、性别、职业、年龄组、文化程度以及不同居住方式间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。果洛州鼠类棘球蚴感染率为2.41%(98/4 058),其中久治县最高,为4.82%(49/1 016);终宿主犬粪抗原阳性率为14.90%(303/2 034),其中玛沁县最高,为18.76%(160/753);中间宿主牛棘球蚴感染率为28.37%(570/2 009),其中达日县最高,为62.80%(314/500)。不同地区间中间宿主牛、啮齿动物鼠类的感染率和终末宿主犬粪抗原阳性率的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论果洛州棘球蚴病疫情流行严重,犬是主要传染源。
Objective To understand the prevalence Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province. of human and animal hydatid disease/echinococcosis in Methods Sampling was made in counties of Banma,Dari, Gande, Jiuzhi, Maduo and Maqin in Guoluo Prefecture of Qinghai Province, 2-3 villages from each County. B uhrasonography was performed in residents at the age of 〉 1 year to calculate the prevalence of hydatid disease. ELISA was performed to detect serum anti-echinococcus antibody in humans, and visceral anatomy was used to de- tect hydatid cyst in murines and livestock. Canine fecal samples were collected in field to detect antigens with ELISA. Results A total of 15 890 residents received B ultrasonography, of whom 826 (5.20%) were positive for hydatid cysts. ELISA in 1 200 residents revealed a positive rate of 16.75% (201/1 200) for anti-echinococcus antibody. The prevalence of hydatid disease was highest in Dari County (11.93%, 430/3 605). The positive rate of serum antibody was highest in Gande County (48.15%, 65/135), followed by Banma County (12.77%, 136/1 065). The prevalence of hydatid disease and positive rate of serum antibody in females were 6.37% (499/7 839) and 26.01% (142/546) respec- tively, which were both significantly higher than those in males (4.06% and 9.02%). There was a relatively higher prevalence of hydatid disease in herdsmen, religious people, students and houseworkers (5.24%, 700/13 370; 6.46%, 41/ 635; 8.39%, 25/298; 5.68%, 18/317; respectively) among the occupations, and in age ranges of 60- years (6.91%, 76/ 1 100), 30- years (6.25%, 255/4 078) and ≥ 70 years (8.08%, 37/458). The serum positive rate was higher in age group of ≥ 70 years (48.28%, 14/29), 60- years (28.57%, 20/70), and 40- years (23.12%, 40/173). Among differ- ent educational levels, the prevalence of hydatid disease and positive rate of serum antibody were the highest in the il- literate population (5.85%, 431/7 365 and 62.61%, 72/115, respectively). Among populations with different living styles, the prevalence of hydatid disease and positive rate of serum antibody were the highest in those who settled in winter and move about in summer (6.36%, 642/10 087; 60.49%, 147/243). There were significant differences in different re- gions, genders, occupations, age groups, education levels and living styles (P 〈 0.05). The positive rate of echinococcus infection in rodents was 2.41% (98/4 058) in Guoluo Prefecture; more specifically, it was highest in Jiuzhi County (4.82%, 49/1 016). The antigen positive rate in dog feces was 14.90% (303/2 034), and was the highest in Maqin County (18.76%, 160/753). The positive detection rate of hydatid cysts in yaks and sheep was 28.37% (570/2009), and was the highest in Dari County (62.80%, 314/500). These were also significant differences among the regions in positive rates of yaks, sheep, murines and dogs (P 〈 0.05). Conelusiorl The echinococcosis epidemicity is still serious in Guoluo. Dogs remain a major source of transmission.
Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
Hydatid disease
Fecal antigen