腐殖酸和蛋白质作为水体中有机物的重要组成部分,是消毒副产物前体物的重要来源。为明晰腐殖酸、蛋白质在水库原水中的浓度变化及去除情况,于2015年5月—2016年4月对我国南方某市三座主要水库原水中腐殖酸、蛋白质浓度进行了一个水文年的监测,分析了腐殖酸、蛋白质的空间分布与变化趋势,同时研究了不同水处理工艺对原水中腐殖酸、蛋白质的去除情况。结果表明,A、B、C三座水库原水中腐殖酸平均浓度分别为2.04、2.06、2.54 mg/L;蛋白质平均浓度分别为0.12、0.11、0.10 mg/L,且7月份腐殖酸、蛋白质浓度均最高。常规工艺、BAC-UF工艺、O_3-BAC工艺对腐殖酸与蛋白质的总去除率分别为63.43%、68.10%、84.31%与53.45%、76.17%、81.96%。混凝沉淀单元对腐殖酸起主要去除作用,BAC单元对蛋白质去除效果较好,且在与臭氧联用时,BAC对腐殖酸的去除率可达55.17%,而超滤膜单元对腐殖酸、蛋白质均有良好的去除效果。
Humic acids and proteins are major composition of dissolved organic matter in natural water. In order to reveal the concentrations variation and removal of humic acids and proteins in reser- voirs, the concentrations of humic acids and proteins in a typical southern city of China were studied in ahydrologic year from May 2015 to April 2016. The distribution and variation tendency of humic acids and proteins were analyzed in this study. In addition, the removal efficiency of humic acids and proteins by different water treatment processes was investigated. The results showed that the concentrations of proteins in the three reservoirs were almost the same. The average protein concentrations were 0.12,0.11,0.10 mg/L, and the average humic acid concentrations were 2.04,2.06,2.54 mg/L in the three reservoirs, respectively. The concentrations of humic acids were much higher than that of the proteins in the three reservoirs. The concentrations of humic acids and proteins were the highest in July. The removal rates for humic acids by the conventional process, the BAC -UF process and the 03 -BAC process were 63.43%, 68.10% and 84.31%, respectively, while that for proteins were 53.45%, 76. 17% and 81.96% , respectively. Coagulation and sedimentation were main units in the removal of humic acids in the three processes. Proteins could be removed by the BAC unit in any case, and 55. 17% of humic acids could be removed by the BAC unit combined with the 03 unit. Furthermore, the humic acids and proteins could be efficiently removed by the ultrafiltration membrane unit.
China Water & Wastewater