
住院冠心病患者肾功能状况现状调查 被引量:1

An investigation of status of renal function of patients with coronary heart disease
摘要 目的 初步了解冠心病患者中不同分层的肾功能的分布现状.方法 对2016年5月至2016年12月在河南省人民医院住院的1 002例冠心病患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,研究该部分冠心病患者不同分层肾功能的临床分布特点.结果 1 002例患者年龄(62.3±0.4)岁,其中肾功能正常633例(63.2%),肾功能不全369例(36.8%),包括轻度肾功能不全292例(29.1%),中度肾功能不全66例(6.6%),重度肾功能不全11例(1.1%).心肌梗死患者中肾功能不全占45.3%,不稳定型心绞痛中肾功能不全占32.6%,稳定型心绞痛中肾功能不全占36.7%.此外,男性和女性有不同的肾功能不全比例(34.2% vs.42.4%,P〈0.05),年龄≤75岁和年龄〉75岁之间,肾功能不全的分布也有统计学差异(29.3% vs.90.3%,P〈0.05).结论 冠心病合并肾功能不全患者并非罕见,老年、女性中更常见,且肾功能不全患者患心肌梗死的比例更高.需提高对这部分患者诊疗的重视性. Objective To investigate the status of renal function of patients with coronary heart disease.Methods The study enrolled 1 002 hospitalized patients who were diagnosed as coronary heart disease from May 2016 to December 2016.Their clinical data were collected and retrospectively analyzed.The distribution characteristics of different degrees renal function in patients with coronary heart disease were analyzed.Results The 1 002 patients with an average age of (62.31±0.35) years, 633 cases(63.2%) with normal renal function, 369 cases (36.8%)with renal insufficiency, 292 cases (29.1%) with mild renal insufficiency, 66 patients(6.6%) with moderate renal insufficiency, 11 cases (1.1%) with severe renal insufficiency.In patients with myocardial infarction, the proportion of renal insufficiency were 45.3%;In patients with unstable angina, the proportion of renal insufficiency were 32.6%, and in patients with stable angina pectoris, the proportion of renal insufficiency were 36.7%.In addition, men and women have different proportion of renal insufficiency (34.2% vs.42.4%, P〈0.05), the distribution of renal disfunction in patients aged less than or equal to 75 years old and greater than 75 years old had significant difference (29.3% vs.90.3%, P〈0.05).Conclusions It is not rare for patients with coronary artery disease complicated with renal dysfunction, wich is more common in women and in elderly, and there are more complicated with myocardial infarction for patients with renal dysfunction.It needs to pay attention to improve the diagnosis and treatment of these patients.
出处 《中国实用医刊》 2017年第14期1-4,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金联合基金(u1604184)
关键词 冠心病 肾功能不全 心肌梗死 不稳定型心绞痛 稳定型心绞痛 性别 年龄 Coronary heart disease Renal insufficiency Myocardial infarction Unstable angina Stable angina pectoris Gender Age
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