THE Temple of Confucius, the Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Fam- ily Mansion are located in Qufu City, Shan- dong Province. The temple was first built in 478 B.C. to commemorate and offer sacri- fices to Confucius, the great philosopher, politician and educator of the sixth-fifth centuries B.C. It has been destroyed and reconstructed over the centuries, and today comprises more than 100 buildings,
THE Temple of Confucius, the Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Fam- ily Mansion are located in Qufu City, Shan- dong Province. The temple was first built in 478 B.C. to commemorate and offer sacri- fices to Confucius, the great philosopher, politician and educator of the sixth-fifth centuries B.C. It has been destroyed and reconstructed over the centuries, and today comprises more than 100 buildings,