
延续健康护理对128例精神分裂症患者康复效果的影响分析 被引量:3

The effects of extended care on rehabilitation efficacy in patients with schizophrenia after discharged
摘要 目的探讨延续健康护理对精神分裂症患者康复效果的影响情况。方法选择2013年7月至2015年7月收治的128例精神分裂症患者为研究对象,将所有患者分为观察组和对照组各64例。观察组患者接受延续健康护理,对照组患者接受常规护理。比较两组患者出院1个月、3个月、6个月及1年后的服药依从性。结果出院1个月时,两组患者服药依从性评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P<0.05);出院3个月、6个月及1年后,两组患者的服药依从性评分逐渐降低,但观察组患者服药依从性评分显著高于对照组患者,差异均具统计学意义(P<0.05)。进一步对数据进行组间效应、时间效应、交互效应分析可见,随着出院时间的延长,两组患者的服药依从性差异渐趋显著。结论延续健康护理可较好的提高精神分裂症患者治疗依从性。 Objective To explore the effects of extended care on rehabilitation efficacy in patients with schizophrenia after discharged.Methods Selected 128 patients with schizophrenia admitted in our department during July 2013 and July 2015, all patients were divided into 2 groups, 64cases in each group, the observation group received extended care, and control group was given routine nursing model. The medication compliance was compared between the two groups after discharge for 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. Results One month after discharge, the difference medication compliance score of the two groups was not statistically significant (P〉0.05). 3 months, 6 months and 1 years later, the compliance score of the two groups decreased gradually, but the medication compliance score in observation group were significantly higher than the control group, the differences were out statistically significant (P〈0. 05 ). Along with the prolonging of time after discharge, the difference of compliance between the two groups trend to significant.Conclusions It suggests that extended care could improve the treatment compliance in patients with schizophrenia.
作者 张玉兰
出处 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2017年第13期1608-1609,共2页 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
关键词 精神分裂症 延续健康护理 Schizophrenia Extended care
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