本文以RS-485总线在上海新华DCS中的应用为切入点,简要介绍了MODBUS RTU协议的通讯模式、RS-485总线应用在现场的软硬件设计以及虚拟DPU的应用技术。通过MODBUS RTU和虚拟DPU,实现不同供热控制系统的数据互联共享以及不同供热系统公共参数的组态计算,根据热量平衡原理,对比实现热网供热热量和蒸汽凝水流量的平衡计算。
This article makes a brief introduction of the MODBUS RTU protocol communication mode, RS-485 bus application in the field of hardware and software design, and the application of virtual DPU technology, with an application of RS-485 bus in Shanghai Xinhua DCS. By MODBUS RTU and virtual DPU, the data of different heating control system can be shared and the configuration of public parameters of different heating system can be calculated. Besides, according to the principle of heat balance, the heating heat and steam condensate water flow can also be obtained.
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