药用植物中萜类次生代谢产物数量庞大,结构多样,药理活性突出。3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酸单酰辅酶A还原酶(HMGR)是MVA途径中第一个速控酶,对药用植物活性萜类成分的生物合成起重要调控作用。HMGR在很多植物中均有研究,但未见油橄榄中该基因的报道。本研究从油橄榄转录组数据库中挖掘到两条HMGR基因序列(Oe HMGR1和Oe HMGR2),并对其编码蛋白的理化性质、结构特征、功能及系统进化关系进行了预测分析。结果表明,Oe HMGR1基因与人参Pg HMGR基因一致性达到80%,含有1 713 bp的开放阅读框(ORF);Oe HMGR2基因与人参Pg HMGR基因一致性达到76%,含有1 773 bp的ORF。Oe HMGR基因编码蛋白均包含2个跨膜区,不含信号肽,具有N、L、S 3个催化活性中心结构域。Oe HMGR基因位于双子叶植物进化枝,在进化中保守度较高,Oe HMGR1与Eu HMGR和Pg HMGR遗传距离较近,Oe HMGR2与Js HMGR遗传距离最近。本研究为进一步鉴定Oe HMGR的功能和开展萜类成分的合成生物学研究提供了一定的理论依据。
The terpenoids derived from medicinal plants represent the largest and most diverse classes of plant secondary metabolites which have significant pharmacological activity. As the first one key enzymes in the cytosolic mevalonate pathway (MVA Pathway), the 3-hydroxy 3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) plays a key role in regulating terpene biosynthesis. HMGR in olive (Olea europaea) has not been reported before though several HMGRs has been studied in different plants. In this research two HMGR gene sequences were obtained by mining in the transcriptome database of olive and subsequential protein physicochemical property, architectural feature, function and phylogeny relationship analysis of OeHMGRs were also predicted and analyzed. The result showed that the two cDNA OeHMGR1 and OeHMGR2 sequences of obtained fragments contained an ORF span of 1 713 bp and 1 773 bp respectively, and exhibited 80% and 76% sequence identity with HMGR in Panax ginseng. The bioinformatic prediction showed that Oe HMGR-encoding proteins contained two transmembrane regions, three catalytic domain but without signal peptide. OeHMGRs were clustered in the area of dicotyledons and evolutionarily conserved. Phylogenetic relationships of OeHMGR1 were closer to EuHMGR and PgHMGR, while phylogenetic relationship provide a groundwork for exploring the biology of terpenoid. between OeHMGR2 and JsHMGR molecular function of OeHMGR was the nearest. These in Olea europaea and results could the synthetic
Genomics and Applied Biology