
拟南芥与水稻AAAP家族基因的鉴定与比较分析 被引量:2

Identification and Comparative Analysis of the AAAP Family Genes in Arabidopsis and Rice
摘要 AAAP蛋白广泛存在于各种生物中,在生物生长与发育过程中扮演重要作用。本研究基于生物信息学方法对水稻和拟南芥AAAP进行系统剖析,旨在深入认识该家族基因的序列、表达及进化特征。结果显示:拟南芥包括49个AAAP基因,水稻包括71个AAAP基因,这些基因被分为3个类群,细分为13个亚类群;不同类群基因结构和保守基序均显示较高的多样性,亚类群水平基因结构和保守基序显示出较高的保守性,这说明该家族基因具有多样化的功能;进化树末端的同源基因对之间表达情况分化程度较高,但其进化速率具有较高的同质性,这说明同源基因对的分化主要体现在表达变化上。这些结果有助于研究其它植物AAAP家族基因的功能。 AAAP proteins are ubiquitously present in eukaryotes, and they play important roles in the growth and development of eukaryotes. Using bioinformatics methods, AAAP genes of rice and Arabidopsis were systematically analyzed to deep investigate sequence, expression and evolutionary characteristics of family genes. The results showed that a total of 49 AAAP genes were identified from Arabidopsis, and a total of 71 AAAP genes were found in rice. These genes were divided into three groups, and they were further classified into 13 subgroups. Gene structures and conserved motifs of different groups showed higher diversity, horizontal gene structure and conserved motif of subgroups showed higher conservatism, which suggested that these family proteins had diverse functions. The homologous gene pair were identified to display distinct expression pattem in the phylogenetic tree, but they displayed the same evolutionary rate, which meant that homologous genes were mainly diverged by expression pattern. These results were beneficial to further investigating functions of AAAP genes in plants.
出处 《基因组学与应用生物学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期3071-3082,共12页 Genomics and Applied Biology
基金 河南省教育厅项目(17B180009) 周口师范学院2015年度校本项目(ZKNUB215103)共同资助
关键词 拟南芥 水稻 AAAP家族 序列 进化 A rabidopsis, Rice, AAAP family, Sequence, Evolution
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