

On Ji Hongkun's Theoretical Contributions to China's Culinary Science
摘要 总结了季鸿?先生的主要业绩和学术著作,高度概括了季老先生长期从事中国烹饪科学技术体系和中国饮食文化等若干文化的研究,并推动了食学事业的发展。季鸿?先生一生兢兢业业、孜孜不倦、硕果累累。他专注当代中国烹饪高等教育与食学研究三十年,奠定了学科理论、规范了教育体例,推进了食学进步,影响巨大而深远。 This article sums up the major achievements and works of Ji Hongkun, praising his contributions to the research of China' s astrology and its establishment as an academic discipline. As a diligent and serious scholar, Ji Hongjun devoted more than three decades of his life to the study of astrology and his academic life has proven fruitful, influential and lasting by establishing the framework of China' s astrology, in terms of both theory and educational paradigm.
作者 陆玉琴
机构地区 苏州职业大学
出处 《楚雄师范学院学报》 2017年第4期9-11,共3页 Journal of Chuxiong Normal University
关键词 季鸿崑 奠基人 食学 JI Hongkun founder foodology
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