通过对UNITROL 5000励磁系统软件逻辑框图的分析,经详细研判了三板溪水电站励磁系统起励失败的原因,并对故障进行试验模拟复现,最后针对性的提出了一些解决方案,对同类型电站励磁系统的故障查找及解决有借鉴作用。
An excitation failure is observed in the UNITROL 5000 excitation system in Sanbanxi Hydropower Station. Based on the analysis of the software logic diagram of the excitation system, the reason of the failure is determined. The failure is also repeated with simulation tests. Then, treatment measures are proposed correspondingly. It could be of great use for the troubleshooting of the same type excitation systems.
Hydropower and New Energy