
基于柯西矩阵的最小带宽再生码研究 被引量:2

Study of Minimum Bandwidth Regeneration Codes Based on Cauchy Matrix
摘要 节点的失效在大规模分布式存储系统中是常见现象.为防止数据的丢失,系统必须解决失效节点的自修复问题.利用再生码可以在无需下载整个源文件的情况下即可恢复出失效节点的数据,从而能有效节省修复带宽.本文利用柯西矩阵作为编码矩阵,构造了一种精确修复最小带宽再生码(ER-MBR),可以精确修复失效节点,并通过实例演示了在有限域上进行编码解码及节点修复的过程.理论分析和仿真实验都表明利用柯西矩阵作为编码矩阵,其算法的运算效率优于利用范德蒙矩阵或者随机矩阵. The failures of node are the common phenomena in the massive distributed storage system. To prevent the data loss, the system must solve the problem of self-repairing for failed nodes.Using regen- erating codes, the data of failed nodes can be recovered without downloading the whole source file, so repai- ring bandwidth can be effectively saved.This paper presents an exact-repair minimum bandwidth regenera- tion code (ER-MBR) by using Cauchy matrix as coding matrix. ER-MBR can exactly repair the failed nodes.The whole process of coding, decoding and node repairing is demonstrated in the finite fields by an instance.Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments prove that by using Cauchy matrix as coding ma- trix,the operation efficiency of this algorithm is better than that of using Vandermonde matrix or random matrix.
出处 《湖南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期152-160,共9页 Journal of Hunan University:Natural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61173169 61363073)~~
关键词 纠删码 再生码 网络编码 柯西矩阵 范德蒙矩阵 分布式存储 erasure codes egenerat codes network coding Cauchy matrix Vandermonde matrix distributed storage
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