在基于模板的冷冲模CAD系统研发的基础上 ,分类工程设计的约束 ,给出以模板为载体、多种知识表述方法相结合的约束信息表示形式 ,基于这种表示 ,同时依据工程约束层次性的特点 ,提出了一种约束信息层次可视化模型 ,并给出其实现冷冲模约束可视化原型系统CCVS。
On the basis of developing of die CAD system based on template and classifying constraints of engineering design, this paper proposes the presentation of constraint information, which combines multiple knowledge presentation methods by making use of templates as media. Based on this presentation and according to the features of engineering constraint hierarchy as well, paper develops a visualization model of constraint information hierarchy, and also puts forward its prototype implementationCCVS.\;
Machinery & Electronics
中国科学院计算所IIP开放课题 ( 99- 2 0 0 1)
安微省自然科学基金 ( 0 10 4 2 2 0 1)
合肥市科委重点项目 ( [1999] 44号 )