
家庭本位实践:特殊儿童早期干预的最佳实践 被引量:24

Family-Centered Practice:Best Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities
摘要 早期干预对特殊儿童、家庭和社会都具有巨大的收益。随着生态模式对医学模式的超越,早期干预从儿童中心逐渐演进到家庭本位,家庭本位实践由此逐渐取代儿童本位实践成为早期干预的最佳实践。家庭本位早期干预以家庭力量和赋权增能为价值取向,实践模式包括家庭整体作为服务对象、家庭作为干预的最终决定者、构建家庭-专业人士伙伴关系等三大核心要素,机构组织文化、专业服务人士及其他相关因素影响着家庭本位实践的效果,目前已形成具有可操作性的实施策略以及大范围的实践案例。受此实践趋势的启发,幼儿园应开展融合导向的早期干预,对家庭作为一个整体予以关注,尊重家长在儿童教育中的决策权,与家庭建立平等的伙伴关系,激励家庭实质性参与幼儿园教育,通过多种途径增进家长和家庭支持儿童发展的能力。 Early intervention has great benefits for children with disabilities, their family, and community and society. With the transcendence from the medical model to the ecological model, family- centered practice has gradually replaced children-centered practice as the best practice of early intervention. Family-centered early intervention focuses on family strengths and empowerment of family, including three core practice factors such as serving the whole family as a unit, regarding family as the final decision- maker in the service and constructing partnership between family and professional. Such practice is often affected by the culture of the institute providing service to family, professional's values and abilities, and other related factors. Cases in a wide range of practice have shown the effectiveness of family-centered practice outcome-directed. To present kindergartens in China, it's more and more important to respect family's rights and abilities in children's education. Kindergarten should do best to form equal partnership with family and improve family's participation in kindergarten education.
作者 申仁洪
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期14-24,共11页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 国家社科基金项目"伙伴协作与残障儿童家庭赋权增能研究"(编号:15BRK031) 重庆市社会科学规划项目"西部农村残障儿童生涯发展及其与生活质量的关系的研究"(编号:2014YBJY072) 重庆市教委科技项目"听力残障儿童社会适应的文化冲突与对策研究"(批准号:KJ130644)
关键词 特殊儿童 早期干预 家庭本位实践 children with disabilities, early intervention, family-centered practice
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