

On Development Issues in Regional Trade Arrangements and WTO Law's Regulation:Take TPP as A Perspective
摘要 2015年10月,美国、日本、澳大利亚等12个国家成功结束TPP谈判。作为新型、广域的区域经济组织,TPP顺应了区域经济一体化的潮流。由于TPP成员经济发展水平参差不齐,发达国家和发展中国家在货物贸易、知识产权保护、服务贸易等诸多方面存在利益冲突,故TPP规则必须顾及发展中国家的立场。然而,WTO法对成员之间的区域经贸安排有一定的规制,也影响到了TPP等区域经贸安排中针对发展中国家的特殊安排。2017年1月,美国宣布退出TPP后,其他成员邀请中国加入TPP谈判。在"一带一路"倡议下,中国应坚持自身的自贸区战略,从发展中国家立场出发,考虑是否加入TPP以及选择相应的策略,尤其要深入研究TPP规则和WTO规则的相互关系,以期在"双重规则"中找到平衡点,寻求利益点最大化。 October 5,2015,the United States,Japan,Australia and other 12 countries successfully concluded TPP negotiations.As a new,wide area of regional economic organizations,TPP conforms to the trend of regional economic integration.But due to the uneven level of economic development of TPP members,there is a conflict of interest between developed and developing countries in many aspects such as trade in goods,protection of intellectual property rights and trade in services.Therefore,TPP rules must take into account the position of developing countries.However,the WTO law has a certain regulation of regional economic and trade arrangements among members,and also affects the special arrangements for developing countries such as TPP and other regional economic and trade arrangements.In January 2017 the United States announced the withdrawal of TPP,and the other members invited China to join the TPP negotiations.Under the background of Belt and Road Initiative,China should decide whether to join the negotiations and the appropriate strategies afterwards from its own FTA strategy and developing countries' position,in particular,must study the relationship between TPP rules and WTO rules in order to find a balance point and seek the maximum point of interest.
作者 周跃雪
出处 《成都理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期71-75,共5页 Journal of Chengdu University of Technology:Social Sciences
基金 四川省哲学社会科学研究规划项目"‘一带一路’战略下川企贸易便利化法律制度研究"(SC16XK057)
关键词 TPP 广域经济一体化 发展中国家 WTO法 TPP Wide Area Economic Integration Developing Countries WTO law
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