实现企业联盟间异构应用系统的平滑、开放的信息交换 ,是实施B2B电子商务的一个重要组成部分。传统的EDI难以满足Internet网络环境下动态企业联盟间的信息交换的要求。XML作为一种描述能力很强的元语言 ,有着很好的结构性和可扩展性 ,非常适用于集成企业联盟的异构应用系统间的信息交换过程。本文提出了一种基于XML的动态企业联盟间的信息交换模型 。
Achieving smooth and open information exchange between Application systems of enterprise union, is an important part in B2B(Business to Business) electronic commerce.In the environment of Internet, traditional EDI scarcely meets the needs of information exchange between dynamic enterprise union.As a melalanguage, XML is a wellformed and extensible language to describe many data format, and suited for integrating information exchange process between isomeric application systems of enterprise union. In this paper, an XMLbased information exchange model between dynamic enterprise union is presented, and corresponding realizable technique and methods are analyzed.
Machinery & Electronics