选取12头巴马小型猪,取下10~15 cm自体大隐静脉,远心端与主动脉端侧吻合,近心端与冠脉前降支中远段端侧吻合,存活4周,观察术中血流动力学及内环境的稳定性,观察术后4周的静脉桥内膜、中膜增生情况。12头小型猪经过试验后有11头存活,术中血流动力学稳定,内环境稳定,术后4周静脉桥内膜及中膜增生明显。自体大隐静脉远心端吻合至主动脉或左锁骨下动脉,近心端吻合至冠脉前降支中远段的小型猪冠脉旁路移植模型方法确实有效,具有可重复性及可操作性。
12 Guangxi Bama miniature pigs were selected and the operation began with unilateral lateral autolo- goussaphenous vein harvest for a length of 10 - 15 cm. Then reversed saphenous vein underwent proximal anasto- mosis to the ascending aorta followed by distal to anterior descending branch with a continuoussuture. Date of intra- operative hemodynamics and internal environment were recorded. The pigs were euthanized and grafts were removed for observationof intimal hyperplasia and medial thickening four weeks later. 11 of 12 swine operated on survived and all grafts remained patent. Introperative hemodynamics satiahility and internal environment homeostasis were a- chieved. Pathological section demonstrated a significant development of intimal hyperplasia and medial thickening. This study demonstrates the repeatability and appropriateness of establishment of off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in a swine model for vein graft intimal hyperplasia and medial thickening. These data support progression to- ward further study of prophylactic therapy to improve vein graft patency.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui