
摹仿的暴力与他者问题——勒内·基拉尔新解 被引量:1

Mimetic Violence and the Issue of the Other: A New Interpretation of René Girard
摘要 法国文学批评家、人类学家勒内·基拉尔(RenéGirard)通过一些经典的文学文本对人类的欲望进行分析,总结出了"摹仿的欲望"学说:一个人的欲望作为欲望的主体,通常总是要摹仿欲望介体的相似的欲望。基拉尔将这一类欲望模式分为"内中介"与"外中介"两部分,并得出了"内中介"的摹仿机制因为欲望主体与欲望介体的竞争而必然会导致暴力的结论。本文参考罗兰·巴特的"神话修辞术",指出"外中介"的摹仿机制所产生的现代神话同样会导致暴力。基拉尔的理论涉及到经典的"他者问题",文章的最后一部分故而将巴赫金与基拉尔隐秘的对话关系揭示了出来。一方面,巴赫金在"自我与他者关系"这一问题上的努力,指出了对话与共情的重要性,这能够处理"内中介"的摹仿机制导致的暴力;另一方面,在"巴赫金主义"的视角下对以赛亚·伯林的多元主义进行阐发,也能够在某种程度上消除"外中介"的摹仿机制导致的暴力。 In his study of some literary canons,René Girard,a French literary critic and anthropologist,analyzes human desire and sums up the theory of mimetic desire,which means that a person's desire,as the desire of the subject,always imitates the similar desire that belongs to the mediator of the desire. Girard distinguishes the modes of mimetic desire into two types,the external mediation and the internal mediation,and draws a conclusion that the internal mediation would inevitably lead to violence due to the competition between the subject and the mediator. Referring to Roland Barthes' s mythologies,this article indicates that the modern myth generated by the external mediation can similarly cause violence. Girard's theory concerns the classic issue of the other,so that the last part of this article reveals the hidden dialogic relationship between Girard and Bakhtin. On the one hand,Bakhtin's effort on the relationship of"the self and the other"points out the importance of dialogue and empathy,which can deal with the violence produced by the internal mediation. On the other hand,the violence of the external mediation can be eliminated in a way by using Isaiah Berlin's pluralism under the Bakhtinian view.
作者 李雪 毕晓
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期143-150,共8页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
关键词 摹仿的欲望 暴力 他者 巴赫金 mimetic desire violence the other Bakhtin
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  • 1Alessandro Ferrara, Reflective Authenticity, Rethinking the Project of Modernity (London and New York, Routledge, 1998,第2章.
  • 2Alessandro Ferrara, Reflective Authenticity, Rethinking the Project of Modernity (London and New York, Routledge, 1998,第3章.
  • 3Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (London and New York, Routledge,2001), 5.6.2.
  • 4Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (Oxford, Blackwell, 2003), § 217.
  • 5《事实与价值二分的崩溃及其他论文》[ The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and other Essays ( Cambridge Ma. , Harvard University Press, 2002) ].
  • 6Willard van Orman Quine, From a Logical Poira of View ( New York, Harper, 1963 ), p. 24.
  • 7Max Weber, "Objectivity in Social Science and Social Policy" (1904) , in Edward A. Shils and Henry A. Finch ( eds. ), The Methodology of the Social Sciences, Max Weber ( New York, Free Press, 1949), pp. 72 -76.
  • 8Michael Walzer, "Two Kinds of Universalism", in Nation and Universe, The Tanner Lectures on Human Values (Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 1990).
  • 9Tzvetan Todorov, Nous et les autres: la reflexion francaise sur la diversite humaine (Paris, Seuil, 1989).
  • 10Jurgen Habermas, Postmetaphysical Thinking, Philosophical Essays ( Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1992).










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