The method is improved to "prototype" as the foundation, through the software interface prototype based on "increased the member attribute information" , "members of the constraint information" and "non function requirement information" three items, used to describe a prototype static attributes. At the same time, "the business flow chart" and "data flow diagram" to define the system's dynamic characteristics. Through these additional information items with the software prototype interface, the formation of a complete definition of requirements.The method is also integrated into the agile process "iterative refinement" thought and in the requirements elicitation and analysis process through the iterative process, make the demand analysis results tend to the requirements of users, and ultimately the formation of a complete set of user requirements document.Generated using the method of document includes not only the software prototype interface, also involves for subsequent design and development stage is very important members of the constraints, non functional requirements, business process, data processing of content. It can define and limit the process of software design and development, and avoid the risk of the development of the information loss in the process of requirement analysis.
Electronic Design Engineering
software engineering
method improvement
prototype driven
requirement analysis