利用NAPA软件提供的NAPA BASIC语言编写的宏,可以快速并准确地完成一些NAPA STEEL船体结构建模工作,可以节省很多人力并提高效率。通过总结船体结构详细设计经验,提出了几项典型的利用NAPA BASIC宏语言实现部分船体结构快速建模的案例:一键写入常用的开孔和型材定义;自动计算出尾部分段指定肋板上所有减轻孔的大小及中心位置,使其满足设计要求,并将其定义写入STDEF表中;自动完成双层底指定肋板的定义,并将其写入STR表中等。
In NAPA STEEL some modeling tasks could be done accurately and quickly by using macros developed with NAPA BASIC, which may save a lot of man work and improve efficiency. With summaries on structure detail design experience, several typical applications for quick NAPA STEEL structure modeling using NAPA BASIC macros had been introduced. The applications included functions such as writing the definition of OPENINGS and PROFILES with one button, automatically calculating the size and position of openings on the appointed stern floor which could fulfill the rule requirement and be written to the STDEF table, automatically defining double bottom floors and writing the definition in'to the STR table and so on.
Journal of Ship Design