Objective To analyze maternal and child health care resource allocation under the background of "Two - Child Policy" in Shandong province so as to provide reference for further optimizing maternal and child health health care resource allocation and answering rapidly rising requirement of maternal and child health care service. Methods Data were collected from statistical yearbook, used descriptive analysis and Gi- ni coefficient analysis method. Results The scale of maternal and child health care resource in Shandong province was in steady - state growth. In 2014, bed number of maternal and child health care institutions that per 10000 person had was 1.66, and maternal and child health care workers was 2. 18. The Gini coefficients of population distribution of maternal and child health care beds and health workers was 0. 3 and 0. 23 respectively. Most health workers in maternal and child health care hospitals in Shandong were under 35 years old, and their education background was junior college (42.58%), and their professional title mainly was primary (60%) . Conclusions The beds number and health workers of maternal and child health care institutions that per ten thousand people have are better than national level. The fairness of health care resource is better. For meeting rapidly rising requirement of maternal and child health care service under the background of "Two - Child Poli- cy", it needs to steadily improve the scale of maternal and child health care resource, pay more attention to the fairness of health care resource, further optimize the structure of health workers' education level and professional title.
Soft Science of Health
Two- child Policy, maternal and child health care, resource allocation, Gini Coefficient