目的:对某市社区居民高血压前期的流行病学特征及其与心血管疾病危险因素及多代谢异常的相关性进行分析。方法:利用整群随机抽样的方法对某市的3个社区年龄在35~76岁的常住居民2 136人进行血压测量及相应指标检测。结果:(1)常住居民中高血压前期占35.95%,高血压前期者中男性为45.33%、女性为25.51%,男性高于女性(χ~2=9.513,P=0.001);(2)高血压前期者的血脂异常、身体质量指数异常、血糖异常等多种心血管疾病相关危险因素多于血压正常者(P<0.05);(3)高血压前期者较血压正常者的空腹血糖增高、高甘油三酯血症、高尿酸血症及超重、肥胖、腹型肥胖相对危险度增加。结论:社区居民高血压前期患病率较高,并存在多种心脑血管疾病危险因素,应该引起广泛关注;医护人员应该加强对高血压前期人群早期的心血管危险因素进行筛查,采用改变生活方式或药物等适当干预措施,从而减少高血压病与心脑血管疾病的发生。
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of prehypertension in community residents and its correlations with risk factors and multiple metabolic abnormalities of cardiovascular disease. Methods: A cluster random sampling method was used to extract 2136 residents aged 35-76 in 3 communities of a city to make blood pressure measurement and the related indexes detection. Results:( 1) The prevalence of prehypertension in the residents was 35. 95 %,and the prevalence of males( 45. 33 %) was higher than that of females( 25. 51 %)( χ^2= 9.513,P = 0. 001).( 2) The risk factors of cardiovascular diseases,such as abnormal blood lipid,body mass index,blood glucose and so on,were significantly higher than those with normal blood pressure( P〈0. 05).( 3) The relative risks such as fasting blood glucose,hypertriglyceridemia,hyperuricemia,overweight,obesity and abdominal obesity of prehypertension were higher than those with normal blood pressure. Conclusion: The prevalence rate of prehypertension in community residents was high,and there were many risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. The medical staff should strengthen measures to screen out patients with prehypertension and its correlation with cardiovascular risk factors,and lifestyle changes and drug intervention should be taken to reduce the incidence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Journal of Baotou Medical College
Epidemiological characteristics
Cardiovascular disease
Risk factors