
信息文明时代人的信息存在方式及其哲学意蕴 被引量:29

The Informational Way of Human Existence in the Age of Information Civilization and Its Philosophical Meaning
摘要 信息文明的发展,使人类的存在方式发生根本转换。在这种转换中,同时作为信息基本特性和人类学基本特性的相互性,居于至关重要的地位。随着信息文明的发展,人类相互性和信息相互性的叠加会迎来一个相互性倍增效应,人类的相互性将出现呈几何级数强化的局势,人越来越以信息方式存在。这使人的社会化过程和自我意识的建构都会发生重要转换。信息文明提供了以人的需要为出发点,以这种需要的满足为最终目的的本体基础。信息共享的天然本性为人类文明发展奠定了共享范围原则上可以无限扩展的基础。共享的文明不仅具有通过信息活动所创造的物质条件,而且有人性发展的依据。信息文明时代人主要以信息方式存在,既在存在论层面蕴含着认识论甚至本体论的重要结论,又具有价值论的丰富意蕴;随之而来的,就是使用理论的真正激活;而使用理论则意味着因果模式的复杂形式。 The fundamental way of human existence has been changing because of the development of information civilization. During this change, as the radical characteristic of anthropology as well as information, the reciprocity has been getting more and more important. With the development of information civilization, the superposition of human reciprocity and the reciprocity of information will bring about a multiplier effect of reciprocity; human reciprocity will be strengthened in the manner of geometrical progression; and human being will exist in a way relying more and more on information. This will change the process of human socialization and the construction of self-awareness. The development of information civilization will lay the ultimate ontological foundations that start from human needs and end with meeting human needs. The nature of sharing information provides the possibility of an unlimited expansion in principle for the development of human civilization. The shared civilization not only has material conditions created through information activities, but also has the basis of the development in humanity. The fact that human being exists primarily in an informational way in the information civilization era not only implies important epistemological and even ontological conclusions on the existential level, but also contains the rich meaning of value theory, and with which will come the real activation of the theory of use.
作者 王天思
出处 《哲学分析》 CSSCI 2017年第4期18-29,共12页 Philosophical Analysis
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"大数据相关关系和因果关系研究("项目编号17AZX003)阶段性成果
关键词 信息文明 人的信息存在方式 共享 AGENT information civilization the informational way of human existence sharing agent
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