传统车载导航系统大多基于全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)实现,GPS导航系统能为车辆提供位置信息,但是在都市复杂环境下所表现出的导航质量难以满足人们对导航性能更高的要求。针对目前车载导航系统在导航精度和可靠性方面所存在的问题,应用GPS与航位推算(Dead Reckoning,DR)相结合的组合导航算法,以及粒子滤波算法进行后处理,以提高导航系统的精度、连续性。实验结果表明GPS/DR组合导航系统在导航时可以达到预定的精度,当GPS信号中断时,车辆依然可以实现导航定位,但随着GPS信号中断时间的延长,误差随之增大。
The traditional navigation mainly based on GPS which provides 3-d position for vehicles has tremendous difficulty in satisfying the stricter requirements for navigation performance in the complex environment of cities. To solve the problem of the navigation accuracy and the reliability of current vehicle navigation,The integrated navigation which combines GPS and DR has been applied to improve the accuracy and continuity of the navigation system. The post-processing method is particle filter. The re-sults show that GPS/DR integrated navigation system can achieve scheduled accuracy. When the GPS signal is broke off,navigation is still effected. However,with the extension of the interrupted time of the GPS signal,the error will also increase.
Computer & Digital Engineering