

Gossip Five Thunder Money:Folk Inheritance of Lei FA's Inheritance
摘要 自宋代神霄雷法流传以来,道教雷法一直强调修炼体内脏腑五行平衡,以达到自身感通天地万物的五行八卦之气,进而由性命双修而神通妙变。但道教雷法信仰要在民间普及化,除了保持其神秘化与神圣化的特征,还必须依靠通俗化形式的传播。因此,在道教文化内部,便可能依据雷法义理,衍生出某些兼具祈禳和吉祥意义的饰物。八卦五雷钱在正面使用后天卦图式,背面根据道教符箓构图规律符式,铸刻祝愿"斩妖辟邪、永保神清"的咒语,以结合相应的开光仪式生效。这整套做法其实内蕴道教雷法对天地人关系的系统认知,牵涉从个人实修到天人感通的修炼论述,提醒佩戴者修炼雷法如何入门。但民间信奉开光八卦五雷钱,未必完全深研五行、五脏、五雷互构互动哲理,也不见得因理解而趋向复杂的修炼程序,他们主要还是相信其中感通神人的超自然作用,期望佩戴可以造福主人。这种现象,既是道法理论民俗化的表达,也反映出历史以来知识型的道教雷法义理如何适应普通老百姓趋吉避凶的信仰愿望,互相是既有距离又有结合。 Since the Song Dynasty spread Shen Xiao Lei law,the basic law emphasizing practice balance Lei Taoist internal organs of five lines,in order to achieve their own feeling the universe five gossip of the gas,by practicing the supernatural wonderful; but Taoist belief should popularize the thunder in the private sector,in addition to keep the secret of God character and the sacred,must rely on the dissemination of popular forms; therefore,the Taoist culture,may according to Fayi Lei,derived from both some praying and auspicious meaning.Gossip five thunder in the positive use of money acquired hexagram schema,according to the back of the Taoist secret figures of composition of character,and inscribed "wish the demon evil spirits,eternal God" mantra,combined with the opening ceremony of the corresponding effect; this whole approach is the intrinsic relationship of Taoist thunder,the cognitive system,involving telepathy from personal practice to practice and discussion,to remind the wearer to practice the thunder started.But a folk belief in gossip five Lei money,may not be completely deep research in five rows,five internal organs,ray interaction interaction philosophy,is not necessarily due to understand and practice more complicated procedures,they still believe that the main role and the supernatural sense,expect to wear can benefit the owner.This phenomenon is the expression of folklore theory,since also reflects the knowledge of Taoism and history Fayi Lei how to adapt to the ordinary people of good fortune belief desire,each other is both distance and combination.
作者 王琛发
出处 《地方文化研究》 2017年第2期97-105,共9页 Local Culture Research
关键词 神霄雷法 五雷钱 符咒 “斩妖辟邪、永保神清” 后天八卦 Shen Xiao Lei Five thunder spell Money Zhan yao bi ye yong bao shen qing Acquired gossip
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