用材林抚育间伐后林木生长、蓄积、冠层以及苗木生长和光合的变化情况,将对提高林木的产量和质量产生重大影响。本次研究对象为大兴安岭落叶松针叶林,参照立地条件相同的原始林进行样地比较,选取不同抚育强度共20个样地,对半分解及未分解两类枯落物进行收集,计算枯落物在不同浸水时间的持水率,持水量和吸水速率。数据显示,半解层枯落物的蓄积量取值范围在0.709~5.288 t/hm2,未分解层枯落物的蓄积量取值范围为0.326~7.395t/hm2,说明半分解层枯落物在蓄积量方面,在不同抚育强度的情况下,比未分解层枯落物大。抚育强度是40.01%时,蓄积量上升到最高点,样地枯落物此时达到了最佳的保持水土能力。抚育强度达到50.61%的这块样地,达到了最大的有效拦蓄量,也表现出了最好的保水蓄水效果。研究结果表明,抚育强度为40.01%时,枯落物蓄积量最大,为56.51%时,自然持水率最高,有效拦蓄量最大。综合评价结论是抚育强度在40.01%~56.51%时的抚育效果最好。
The change of forest growth, accumulation, canopy, seedling growth and photosynthesis after timber forest tend- ing thinning will have a significant role in solving the problem. The study object is the greater Daxing' an mountains larch coniferous forest which is compared with the original forest with the same site condition. The study select 20 samples of different tending intensity, collect of half - and - half decomposition and not decomposed litter, and calculate the water holding capacity, water holding capacity and water absorption rate of litter at different immersion times. The data reveal that half the volume value range of litter decomposition layers in 0. 709 - 5. 288 t/hm^2, not the volume value range of litter decomposition level is 0. 326 - 7. 395 t/hm^2, explain half of litter decomposition layers in terms of volume, in the case of different tending intensity, larger than not litter decomposition layers. Tending intensity is 40. 01% , the volume up to the highest point. Tending intensity reached 50. 61% of the sample area, reached the maximum amount of effective held, also showed the best effect of water storage. The research results indicate that tending intensity was 40. 01%, litter volume the biggest, and tending intensity was 56. 51%, natural hold water rate the highest, most effective held. The comprehensive evaluation conclusion is that the tending intensity is 40. 01% to 56. 51% when the tending effect is the best.
Forest Investigation Design
Daxing' an Mountains
Fostering intensity
Water binding capacity