目的了解汶上县居民慢性病及其危险因素的流行现状,评估全县慢性病预防控制工作的效果,为制订今后的慢性病规划提供科学依据。方法 2015年10月采取分层整群随机抽样的方法在汶上县6个乡镇抽取≥18周岁常住居民,针对日常行为和生活方式等由调查员入户开展面对面问卷调查和身体指标检查。结果调查3 601人,男性1 706人,女性1 895人。高血压患病率为18.27%,糖尿病患病率为7.14%;吸烟率为20.18%,饮酒率为18.61%,日均食盐量为(9.60±5.16)g,日均食油量为(35.31±14.33)g,均高于食盐、食油的推荐摄入量(P<0.05),但低于山东省2016年居民日均食盐量和食油量。每天或经常食用新鲜蔬菜为99.71%,A型性格为75.51%,不进行体育锻炼的居民占70.31%,腰围平均为(86.71±17.29)cm,超重率为36.69%,肥胖率为11.52%。结论汶上县居民慢性病患病率低于山东省平均水平,相关危险因素食盐量和食油量低于山东省平均水平,但高于国家推荐的标准;大多数居民没有锻炼的习惯。
Objective To understand the prevalence of chronic and non-communicable diseases and risk factors among residents in Wenshang county,and evaluate the effectiveness of prevention and control of chronic and non-communicable diseases,so as to provide scientific basis for the development of plan for chronic and non-communicable diseases in the future. Methods Residents aged 18 years and above who lived in six towns of Wenshang county were selected to accept a one-on-one questionnaire survey and physical indicators checkup on daily behaviors and lifestyle with the method of stratified cluster random sampling in October,2015. Results A total of 3 601 people including 1 706 men and 1 895 women participated in the study.The prevalence of hypertension and diabetes was 18.27% and 7.14%respectively.The smoking rate of all subjects was 20.18%,and the drinking rate was 18.61%.The average daily intake of salt and oil was 9.60±5.16 g and 35.31±14.33 g respectively.The prevalence of people who often ate fresh vegetables every day was99.71%.The prevalence of type A personality was 75.51%.The prevalence of residents who did not exercise was70.28%.The mean of waistline was 86.71±17.29 cm.The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 36.69% and11.52% respectively. Conclusion The prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases in Wenshang county is lower than that of the average level of Shandong province.The level of risk factors such as the intake of salt and oil is lower than that of the average level of Shandong province,but higher than that of the national recommended standard.Most residents have no habit of exercising.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Risk factors for chronic and non-communicable diseases
Health education