

Shear Fatigue Performance Test and Construction Technology Control of Expressway SMA Asphalt Pavement
摘要 文章采用马歇尔试验确定了SMA沥青混合料的矿料级配和最佳油石比,并通过体积参数性能试验验证了配合比设计的正确性。在此基础上,设计了SMA沥青材料抗剪疲劳性能试验,采用MTS810材料试验机,通过对试验结果的拟合得出SMA材料的抗剪疲劳方程,并从原材料控制、路基施工、下承层路面质量控制和施工机械控制等四个方面提出控制SMA路面剪切破坏的施工要点。 This article used the Marshall test to determine the mineral gradation and the best bitumen- aggregate ratio of SMA asphalt mixture, and verified the correctness of mix ratio design by the volume parameter performance test.On this basis,it designed the shear fatigue performance test of SMA as- phalt material,obtained the shear fatigue equation of SMA material by fitting the test result and by u- sing MTS810 material testing machine, then from the control of raw material, subgrade construction, pavement quality control of underlying layer, and construction machinery control, it proposed the key construction points to control SMA pavement shear damage.
作者 李臣光
出处 《西部交通科技》 2017年第9期26-29,共4页 Western China Communications Science & Technology
关键词 SMA混合料 剪切性能 施工工艺 高速公路 SMA mixture Shear performance Construction technology Expressway
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