针对工业管线保温层下腐蚀(CUI,corrosion under insulation)的危害性、隐蔽性和传统监视腐蚀方法成本过高的问题,介绍了CUI检测仪的工作原理和管线外腐蚀评估方法及工厂检测实例,应用CUI检测仪技术,实现了在不拆除保温层条件下直接观察管线腐蚀情况的需求,达到了方便快捷地发现腐蚀严重或存在安全隐患管线的目的。
The pipelines achieve significant effects on saving energy after taking thermal insulation measures, but corrosion under insulation (CUI) occurs accordingly. It may bring about potential threats to safety production for its concealment. In the traditional situation, it often causes hug economic losses after opening insulation layer for detection and evaluation, which leads to the increase of production costs. Now, we can detect the corrosion through x-ray imaging system without removing insulation. This system can help grasp the corrosive environment and pipeline external corrosion quickly. Then we can assess the key corrosion section and timely find out where the serious corrosionor potential troubles occur, it can help minimize the corrosion risks and save production costs.
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