

Typical Fact of Chinese Consumer Price Adjustment: Analysis of Micro Measurement Based on Frequency
摘要 对中国39种生活必需品的微观定价行为进行了详细的研究,用极大似然方法估计得到周价格调整的平均频率为18.34%,黏性久期为7.59周,中值为13%,久期为7.18周。同时,价格的平均调整幅度为每周15.72%,这说明生活必需品定价存在相当的黏性,但价格调整幅度较大。"参考价格"的调整频率要显著低于周价格,月度和季度分别只有29%和24%,黏性久期为2.96和3.61,而周度频率折算为月度后高达48%,粘性久期仅为1.52。 39 necessities of micro pricing behavior in China is studied, using the maximum likelihood method to estimate average frequency of price adjustment for the 18.34% week duration of 7.59 weeks, viscosity the median duration was 13%, for 7.18 weeks. At the same time, the average price adjustment rate of 15.72% per week, indicating that the pricing of the necessities of life is rather sticky, but the price adjustment is large. The"reference price"Adjust the frequency is significantly lower than the price of the week, monthly and quarterly were only 29% and 24%, 2.96 and 3.61 for viscosity duration, and weekly frequency converted to monthly after up to 48%, the duration is only viscous 1.52.
作者 杜海韬
出处 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2017年第15期3-4,共2页 Modern Industrial Economy and Informationization
关键词 消费品价格 定价行为 黏性价格 consumer price pricing price stickiness
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