
10 Hz,1.2 J脉冲波形近方波的纳秒Nd:YAG激光器

10 Hz,1.2 J Nanosecond Nd:YAG Laser with Flat-in-Time Pulse Shape
摘要 搭建了一台中等重复频率、高峰值功率的Nd:YAG激光器。激光器主要包括三部分:单纵模全光纤种子源、LD抽运的Nd:YAG再生放大器和氙灯抽运的Nd:YAG功率放大器。该系统获得了平均功率为12W、重复频率为10Hz、单脉冲能量为1.2J、脉冲宽度为3ns的激光输出,工作波长为1064nm,输出光束口径为10mm,95%的能量在600μrad范围内,近场光强近平顶分布,近场光强调制度小于1.2,时间波形近似方波,能量稳定性均方根值小于1.4%。 A high peak power Nd:YAG laser system with moderate repetition rate is demonstrated. The laser system contains three main components, the all-fiber-based seed, LD-pumped Nd: YAG regenerative amplifier and flashlamp-pumped two-pass Nd: YAG amplifier. The average power is 12 W, the repetition rate is 10 Hz, the single pulse energy of the laser system is up to 1.2 J, and the pulse width is 3 ns. With the wavelength of 1064 nm, the diameter of the output beam is 10 ram. More than 95% pulse energy is focused in the range of 600 #rad. The beam intensity distribution is near top-hat in the near filed and the intensity modulation is less than 1.2. The temporal pulse shape is square-pulse. The root mean square value of the pulse energy is less than 1.4 %.
出处 《中国激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期60-66,共7页 Chinese Journal of Lasers
关键词 激光器 高峰值功率 激光放大器 纳秒脉冲 可调脉冲波形 lasers high peak power lase amplifier nanosecond pulse tunable pulse shape
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