为构建具有彬长矿区特色的瓦斯抽采三区联动技术理论研究体系及工程实践,以矿区瓦斯资源储量、分布特征为出发点,基于煤层瓦斯抽采机理,研究了"规划区、准备区、生产区"三区联动瓦斯抽采技术、井上下瓦斯抽采联动技术模式与工艺、地面抽采井对接联动井下瓦斯抽采孔技术、近距离煤层卸压联动立体式瓦斯防治技术等。通过研究与工程实践,实现矿区瓦斯三区联动抽采,促进矿井年抽采量逐年提升,从时间和空间上提前解决生产区域瓦斯问题,矿井瓦斯抽采率达到75%以上,煤层瓦斯含量由6.8 m^3/t快速降低至2.5 m^3/t以下,实现高瓦斯区域转为低瓦斯区域。同时在矿井实现瓦斯零超限的基础上,各采煤工作面风排瓦斯量保持在5 m^3/t以下,掘进工作面风排瓦斯量保持在3 m^3/t以下,并逐年降低,促进矿井实现本质安全、高效绿色开采。
In order to establish the theoretical study system and engineering practices on the three areas linkage technology of the gas drainage with the features of Binchang Mining Area, with the gas resource reserves and distribution features of the mining area as the start point, based on the seam gas drainage mechanism, the paper had a study on the gas drainage technology with "a linkage of planning area, preparation area and production area" in the mining area, the mode and technique of the gas drainage linkage technology at the mine surface and in the underground mine, the surface gas drainage well connected and linked with gas drainage borehole technology in the underground mine, the pressure released linked with three dimensional gas prevention and control technology of close distance coal seams and others. With the study and engineering practices, the gas three areas linkage drainage in the mining area was realized, an annual gas drainage volume of the mine was increased annually, the gas problem in the production area was solved in advance from the time and space, the mine gas drainage rate was over 75%, the seam gas content was rapidly reduced from 6.8 m^3/t to below 2.5 m^3/t and the high gas area changing to a low gas area was realized. Meanwhile, based on the mine gas zero overlimit realized, the ventilation gas content of each coal mining face was kept below 5 m^3/min, the ventilation gas content of the gateway driving face was kept below 3 m^3/min and was reduced annually and thus the mine intrinsically safe and high efficient green mining were promoted and realized.
Coal Science and Technology
gas deposition
three areas linkage
gas drainage
gas zero overlimit