物联网和RFID等设备的普及给密码学提出了新的要求,为了能够在资源受限的传感节点上实施通信保护和隐私保护,大量轻量级加密算法被提出。mCrypton是明文分组长度为64 bit的轻量级分组密码算法,共有3种可用密钥长度:64 bit、96 bit和128bit。本文提出了针对mCrypton-96的4轮mCrypton不可能差分路径和7轮mCrypton的不可能差分分析,同时利用了mCryption的S盒性质和密钥生成算法的弱点对不可能差分分析进行了改进,实验结果表明和传统的差分分析相比,本文提出的不可能差分分析方法降低了攻击的时间复杂度和数据复杂度。
The popularity of the Internet of things and RFID has created new requirements for cryptography. In order to implement communication protection and privacy protection on resource constrained sensor nodes, a large number of lightweight encryption algorithms are proposed. MCrypton is a lightweight block cipher algorithm with plaintext block length of 64 bits, which includes three available key lengths:64 bits, 96 bits and 128 bits. The paper proposes a 4 rounds mCrypton impossible differential path for mcrypton-96 and a 7 rounds mCrypton impossible differential path, meanwhile uses S box properties and the shortcoming of key generation algorithms to improve the impossible differential cryptanalysis. Experimental results show that compared with the traditional differential analysis, the proposed method in this paper reduces time complexity of attack and data complexity.
Intelligent Computer and Applications